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A member registered Nov 02, 2016

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Many draw-maps with an even number of resources

Glad to help, also a little bit strange to see same player on the 1st place -- he doesn't deploy bots, nor playing, and can't be defeated // It seems more logical to fight with players above U in score table without their wishes -- for now I am in game for 2-5 minutes, playing 2-3 games, deploying 2-3 setups for other players and there is nothing else to do ((.

Asynchronous gameplay -- best feature)) GB -- not RTS and it's nice that it's not about "ping" and "tap" rush.

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Is it Bug or feature -- ability to re-set AI's and Bots classes on "Not Deployed" matches?

Or maybe groups by Bot class - then compose new AI -- enable one (or multi) of the Bot class checkboxes, and this AI will be shown only for that class.

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same thing -- a lot of Pending matches VS Prowler. ConsciouS-0nE thx for interesting fights))

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If {Any targeted foe bot [not] IsSniper}=={True} equals to {Any targeted foe bot IsSniper}=={False}

-- It is Inversion of equality, If You want to check if foe bots exist's at all -- connect this condition with {Enemy; Any; IsExists}

  • TT: Enemy
  • TS: Any
  • Con: IsSniperClass + [Invert] checked

= there is no enemy Snipers

Pls, pls, pls add 4 lines of code to the Outline such:

  • on [Ranked] button clicked
    • if [Ranked] button already_selected do
      • For all items in fights_list do
      • deselect mark [New]

I don't have enough patience to watch full games records (a lot of them I'm already watched because fighting with my PC account), and can't monitor New battles ((

It's not a "invert the target selection" -- currently [Invert] checkbox on "Condition" section, and it's on right place. Inversion works not to the target but to the Condition:

TT: Resource


Con: Exist

Inversion means Resource [not Exist], not what [not Resource] Exist

Trying)) will post steps, if could reproduce it

Thx, picture link now correct, video still encoding by YouTube((

Video about UI Bug:

Just a thought.. )) -- Shocker class -- stops (or freezes + they can't shoot) enemy (for 5 sec) with electric dart with weak damage and long reloading.

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When AI export and import (or save and load to / from server) will be available, I'm planing to built universal AI -- it will check Bot type first, and act depending to this)) 1000 AI slots = huge and luggish list

Pls add (for test reasons or as a part of release) if Player already in [Multipayer] menu with [New] mark on it and press this button again -- all New marks disables. It's too long -- view all of this games to disable this mark near [Multiplayer].

You doing great job! Thx. More I see in new game releases -- more I want))

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This version looks fine for alfa. (Maybe also make an option for Google Play Beta's program? It'll be much easy to update on device, and standard update mechanism will also been tested)

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[UI Bug in TRAINING] section (on Win64bit PC) -- Shotgun and Sniper at the same time.

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It could be nice to add rule such "resource can be carried only to the base free from enemy forces" -- one go to the resurce but base is occupied by enemys and recourse dosn't count untill base empty, or even base capturing mechanics -- if bots stay on enemy base for 30 sec it changes color to yours or so (more bots - faster capturing)

Upd: Scorers now not getting resource in a moment, two of them keep staying if they come in equal time -- good))

[Help] button detected))

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EmberedOne great Starving)) It was nice match. GG and GL))

Also need implementation for "objects" like: BG Center; Border (closest BG border point); Conner -- for scripts like IfBorderInShortRange --> MoveTo --> ClosestConner my Shotguns like Lemmings)) they periodically prefers to jump away from BG// cowards.. Another interesting mechanics -- AI for "Leviathans" -- Slow, big and beautiful Bosses, programmed by Players on final levels. AI save and multi-platform load is highly awaiting too..

U doing Great game)) Thx.))

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EmberedOne I'm save U bots from pending))

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Mystically I can't download new apk and exe from U links - speed about 4,8 Kb/s (((

Upd: I'm back, finally.. after 1.5 hours of downloading

It could be great to have different sandboxes according to unlocked Bot classes and even ranking in sandbox boarders (for example, if I just started my result will be compared only with one "star" enemy AIs = with players with only one unlocked bot type, two stars = two unlocked classes etc. ). Then I started PC version it was really hard to fight with snipers.. And not every newbie can deal with It.

Ready to test)